Kid’s club Young Surfer: We are starting 19th January!

Kid’s club Young Surfer: We are starting 19th January!

Children’s club: course Young Surfer

bodyboarding, flowboarding (indoor stand-up surfing) and fun for everyone

Within the Children’s Club we are opening another Young Surfer course:
– every Wednesday from 18:00 (arrival at 17:30, 18:00 – 19:00 training in the wave, departure approx. at 19:15)
– every Friday 18:00 (arrival at 17:30, 18:00 – 19:00 training in the wave, departure approx. at 19:15)
– every Saturday from 9:00 (arrival at 8:30, 9:00 – 10:00 training in the wave, departure approx. at 10:15)

First lesson: Saturday 19.1.2022, Friday 21.1.2022, Wednesday 22.1.2022,
• Wen– 19.1./26.1./2.2./9.2./16.2./23.2./2.3./9.3./16.3./23.3.
• Fri– 21.1./28.1./4.2./11.2./18.2./25.2./4.3/11.3./18.3./25.3.
• Sat – 22.1./29.1/5.3./12.3/19.3./26.3./5.3./12.3./19.3./26.3.

Length of lesson: 90 minutes (60 minutes of surfing and 30 minutes for warm up, preparation and dressing)
Course duration: 8 lessons
Age range: 6 – 14 years
Number of children in the course: max. 6 – 8
Course price: 9990 CZK
Price of one lesson separately: 1100 CZK

Apologies: The legal guardian is obliged to apologize to his / her child at least 48 hours before the lesson at: or by phone at: 725 927 409.
Substitutions: Each participant of the children’s club has the opportunity to substitute twice an excused lesson. Excused lessons can be taken in public lessons or other dates of children’s courses.

The course Young Surfer is an unusual and fun activity for all children without distinction. There is no need to have previous experience with surfing or any other boarding sport. All activity is always done with the help of an experienced instructor. All you have to do is enthusiasm and taste to have fun and try new things.

The aim of the course is to motivate and encourage children. We take care of the individual movement of children and we realize that every child is exceptional in another area. We strive to create an emotionally safe environment in which children feel themselves. We put the emphasis on community and friendly, non-competitive environment that focuses on group-wide collaboration. It is especially important that the children enjoy the course not only for surfing, but also for their friends. During all course activities, the child’s natural development occurs, especially in the area of deep stabilization system, dexterity, strength, coordination of movements and gross motor development. At the same time, the child is led to independence, healthy self-esteem and positive attitude towards other children.

– Warm-up
– Bodyboarding – ride on the belly, siting or on the knees
– Various activities with bodyboard – gradual control of basic manoeuvres with the help of instructors
– Water games
– Flowboarding – Gradually control basic manoeuvres with the help of an instructor

You can sign up for the selected course by email ( Jan Audes)
Separate one lesson you can book by phone: 725 927 409 or 725 927 410

We look forward to you!

SA team