1. The first way how to purchase a ride in Surf Arena is by choosing one of the RIDES. In this case you will be able to choose the fixed time and date of your ride after entering your voucher code into the calendar.
2. If you are interested primarily in specific time, visit our calendar first by clicking on BOOKING in the top menu of our website. There you can choose an hour and day of your visit as well as the type of ride that is available.

Each purchased voucher for a ride is also suitable as a GIFT VOUCHER.
Validity of vouchers is till 31. 1. 2024.
Gift vouchers will be sent directly into your
e-mail box in a digital form, right after payment. Or are available to buy a printed at our reception.

Vouchers contains: lending of necessary equipment, 15-minute instruction before lesson, leadership of an experienced instructor, video recording of your lesson.
Types of vouchers are divided according to usage:
vouchers (A) – anytime – in a shared (public) or private lesson = according to the specific type of voucher.
vouchers (B) – only in times “off-peak” – in a shared (public) lesson.
It is necessary to arrive 45 minutes before the lesson.